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Topic: US Constitution, Matches 32 quotes.



You brethren also know that from the Rio Grande down to the Horn there is no constitutional government except those that are founded primarily upon our own Constitution. In Mexico the revolutionary party which more than a century and a quarter ago rebelled against the king of Spain and established a republic, copied almost verbatim, and practically overnight, our Constitution, and made it their own. Neither Mexico nor the others to the South interpret their Constitutions as we interpret ours. They have different standards and different canons of interpretation, for their fundamental system is the civil law, while ours is the common law. But the great essentials of that document, the Constitution of the United States, which God Himself inspired, is the law of Zion, the Americas.

Source: President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
General Conference, October 1942

Topics: America, Example; Law; US Constitution



Constitutional rights

Thus, under the guidance of the Lord was established a government based upon a written constitution in which were set forth the laws whereby its citizens were to maintain their freedom, freedom for us–

To live,

To pray and worship,

To work,

To own property,

To keep and bear arms,

To educate our children,

To assemble together,

To be tried by a jury,

To speak without fear of being cast into jail,

To go where we choose and do as we wish, so long as we do not jeopardize the rights, the welfare, and the safety of others.

Doubtless in all the world there is no document to compare with this “heavenly banner,” this “glorious standard,” the Constitution of the United States!

Source: Elder ElRay L. Christiansen
General Conference, October 1967

Topics: Rights; US Constitution



Cherish constitution in the home

It is the obligation of parents to acquaint their children with this great document:

1. That they may have understanding of and appreciation for the principles that make their liberty and freedom possible.

2. They should be taught as well what their personal obligations will be when they become mature citizens of the United States.

3. We must see to it that they learn the factual history of our country.

4. They must be made to recognize and resist the constantly fomented ideologies that threaten the very life of our republic, the individual liberties of our people, and the God-given heritage of freedom. One of the greatest contributions of a free people is to transmit that freedom to their children.

We must remember that reverence for and obedience to law should begin in the home. President David O. McKay has warned that “no greater immediate responsibility rests upon the members of the Church, upon all citizens of this Republic, and of neighboring Republics, than to protect the freedom vouchsafed by the Constitution of the United States.” (The Improvement Era, May 1950, p. 378.)

In the face of the conditions as they are today, it seems imperative that individuals develop loyalty to their country and responsibility for their own behavior. Such attributes are ideally based on knowledge, which requires deliberate effort to obtain. Thomas Paine, one of the early patriots, reminded us that “what we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.”

Source: Elder ElRay L. Christiansen
General Conference, October 1967

Topics: Education; Responsibility; US Constitution



Uphold the Constitution

We need not fear invasions from without, so long as we as a nation and as a people understand and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and reject not the God of the land who is Jesus Christ. But if we permit ourselves to forget God, we have no promise!

Moved upon by the Holy Spirit, the Prophet Lehi prophesied this regarding America:

“Wherefore, this land is consecrated unto him whom he shall bring. And if it so be that they shall serve him according to the commandments which he hath given, it shall be a land of liberty unto them; wherefore, they shall never be brought down into captivity; if so, it shall be because of iniquity; for if iniquity shall abound cursed shall be the land for their sakes, but unto the righteous it shall be blessed forever.” (2 Ne. 1:7. Italics added.)

What a simple recipe for peace and safety in this choice land!

Source: Elder ElRay L. Christiansen
General Conference, October 1967

Topics: Christianity; US Constitution



Constitution “Outmoded”

These defamers say that the Constitution, and our government under it, are outmoded; not responsive to present-day conditions of life and living; not sufficient to meet and solve present-day problems; and that we need a modern, up-to-date system of government. They let us know what should be done to meet their ideas and plans, which seem always to run to despotism.

I have observed that numbers of these defamers take advantage to the utmost of every liberty and freedom created and protected by the Constitution in order to destroy it and its guarantees, so to make easy the setting up of a tyranny that would deprive the common man of his freedom and liberties under it, so permitting these defamers to set up a government that would give place, power, and privilege to them in a despotism to be imposed upon the mass of mankind. We have witnessed this very despotism. There would be a Kremlin in every country on the globe, all under the super-Kremlin in Moscow.

Source: President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
General Conference, April 1957

Topics: US Constitution



The Law Of Zion

So, brethren, I wish you to understand that when we begin to tamper with the Constitution we begin to tamper with the law of Zion which God Himself set up, and no one may trifle with the word of God with impunity.

Now, I am not caring today, for myself, anything at all about a political party tag. So far as I am concerned, I want to know what the man stands for. I want to know if he believes in the Constitution; if he believes in its free institutions; if he believes in its liberties, its freedom. I want to know if he believes in the Bill of Rights. I want to know if he believes in the separation of sovereign power into the three great divisions: the Legislative, the Judicial, the Executive. I want to know if he believes in the mutual independence of these, the one from the other. When I find out these things, then I know who it is who should receive my support, and I care not what his party tag is, because, brethren, if we are to live as a Church, and progress, and have the right to worship as we are worshipping here today, we must have the great guarantees that are set up by our Constitution. There is no other way in which we can secure these guarantees. You may look at the systems all over the world where the principles of our Constitution are not controlling and in force, and you will find there dictatorship, tyranny, oppression, and, in the last analysis, slavery.

Source: President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.
General Conference, October 1942

Topics: Politics; US Constitution



Fundamental Things Enduring

Now, I would not for a moment have it understood that anything that I have in mind to say will be in conflict with anything that we have heard at this conference. I have no such intention, no such thought, nor do I believe that to be the case, for I believe that the fundamental things in our government, in the Constitution of the United States, are here to endure. Moreover, I believe that it is the business and responsibility of Latter-day Saints to uphold and sustain these sacred principles which bear the stamp of approval of God himself, and we should be loyal unto them. I am, however, going to say this, boldly—The present world civilization shall not endure, for God has said it. It is bound to pass away. May I also say I care not how soon that comes.

The Decree of The Lord Concerning the Wicked

When I say this, do not misunderstand me. I do not say nor believe that things which are good will pass away, but because man has become sensual, devilish and fallen man, and because he will not hearken to the voice of inspiration and revelation from God, and walk in righteousness, keeping his commandments, the decree has gone forth that all man-made covenants, obligations and governments shall be changed and come to an end.

Source: Elder Joseph Fielding Smith
General Conference, April 1935

Topics: US Constitution



On the 17th of September, 1887, a great celebration was held in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia in honor of the 100th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. The President of the United States, Grover Cleveland, and other distinguished guests were present on that occasion. A chorus of one thousand people rendered the beautiful poem of the German poet Schiller, entitled “An Appeal to Truth,” which had been put to music by Mendelssohn. As they sang the lines of the poem: “Upon the divine truth of the freedom of man and the knowledge of God, does our civilization stand,” the guests stood with bowed heads in gratitude for the blessings of the Lord. Then President Cleveland arose and among other things said: “When we look down one hundred years and see the origin of our Constitution, when we contemplate all its trials and triumphs, when we realize how completely the principles upon which it is based have met every national need and every national peril, how devoutly should we say with Franklin, ‘God governs in the affairs of men,’ and how solemn should be the thought that to us is delivered this ark of the people’s covenant and to us is given the duty to shield it from impious hands. Another centennial day will come, and millions yet unborn will inquire concerning our stewardship and the safety of the Constitution. God grant that they may find it unimpaired.” Today, there are forces at work to undermine this sacred gift of our fathers. These forces are expressed in acts and words of disrespect for law, order, and authority. Lord Macaulay feared for our democratic institutions, and once expressed the thought that institutions purely democratic “must sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both.” In reply to this thought of the great English essayist, we can only say that we hope that the citizens of our great republic will have from age to age a finer reverence and greater love for the principles of human rights which are set forth in the Constitution of our country. When our fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and gave us the divine thought: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” we must ever remember that there are no rights that are not duties. The Declaration of Independence was not justified if it was not obligatory. So this is true with the still greater document of government, the Constitution of the United States. “There are no rights that are not duties.”

Source: Elder Levi Edgar Young
General Conference, October 1934

Topics: Rights; US Constitution



Judge Marshall of Wisconsin in the case of Borgnis vs. Falk County, in a decision written by him for the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, said:

“At no period has appreciation of the great work of the fathers been more important than now. We need to sit anew at their feet, revive knowledge that the result was wrought by a body of men, representatives of the great seat of learning of the English speaking races of two hemispheres, and otherwise men of broad experience, many of whom had been students of all federal governments of all prior ages in preparation for the special task—as the historian declared, ‘the goodliest fellowship of lawgivers whereof this world has record,’ a body dominated by specialists, inspired by ennobling love for their fellow-men and the thought that they wrought, not for their age alone, but for the ages to come, and so sought to avoid the infirmities of previous systems of government by the people, by carefully providing that no change in letter or spirit should occur except in a particular and most deliberate and conservative way.”

Source: Elder Charles H. Hart
General Conference, April 1931

Topics: America, Heritage; America, History; US Constitution

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